PRIOR TO ARRIVAL Each participant needs to download, print, and sign the Site Waiver and Photography Release Form. |
Download Photo/Video Release Form.pdf: Print and sign. |
Download 2023-24 Site Waiver.pdf: Print and sign. |
Download Parking.pdf: Print and place on your vehicle's dashboard. |
ICPC Registration System at the ICPC Site.
This is where a coach registers teams for the competition. |
Payment: $160.00 per team, invoiced via ICPC QuickBooks.
Limits: We guarantee up to three team slots per institution.
Additional slots will be allocated round-robin fashion to teams whose registration information is complete and fees are paid.
After registration closes, all fourth team requests will be filled, followed by fifth, etc. until all available slots are filled.
Bulletin 1: Welcome |
Bulletin 2: Deadlines, Food, Checklists |
Bulletin 3: Schedule for the Contest, Lunch Process |
Bulletin 4, Last Minute Reminders and Information |
Download f40-icpc-socal.ova: VirtualBox Fedora 40 Rehearsal Appliance (8.2 GB), as of 22Oct2024
To use, install VirtualBox 7.1 or later, run VirtualBox Manager, File/Import Appliance...
Password to user icpcuser='icpcpw' (without quotes).
Sluggish performance? Increase settings to at least 4 GB RAM and 2 virtual CPUs.
Download SoCalICPC-Rehearsal-2024-2025.pdf: Rehearsal Packet, as of 01Nov2024 |
Wikipedia entry about the International Collegiate Programming Contest.
History and interesting links. |
Contact Us. |