Contest Rules for the Southern California Region

The following Region-Specific Rules are added to the Generic ACM ICPC Regional Rules:


The Southern California region consists of California south of and including San Luis Obispo, Kern, and San Bernardino counties, and Clark County, Nevada.


By registering a team, a coach certifies the eligibility of the team members.


  1. All team members are expected to attend contest activities, including
    • Communications checkout and online warmup (several days before the contest)
    • Contest check-in (the day of the contest)
    No team member may participate in the Contest unless s/he is present for the start of the Contest.
  2. Exceptions can be made by the Registrar in consultation with the Contest Director. If there is a known issue, such as the GRE, the team member should notify the Registrar and request an exception in advance.
  3. In the event an exception is granted:
    • No adjustments/allowances will be made to the team or the late team member—the Contest will end 5 hours after it starts.
    • No recap of the information provided at Orientation will be provided, and no consideration (time or any other) will be given if any of that information is requested and cannot be provided in a timely manner.

General Rules for the Online Contest

  1. The competition will be run under the honor system, according to academic standards of conduct.
  2. The start time is still to be determined. There will be NO adjustment for geographical time zones.
  3. Each team member will be permitted to compete from home. "Home" is defined as the location where the student can safely spend the duration of the contest according to local COVID-19 restrictions. We understand that home could be an apartment, dorm, house, etc. Home might very well be abroad in the student's nation of origin.
  4. Team shakeout/warmup and overview Question&Answer sessions will occur a few weeks up to a few days prior to the competition. The shakeout permits the establishment of communications between the student, the contest staff, his/her computer, and the contest environment. ICPC Headquarters is investigating teleconferencing software for contest-wide and intra-team communications.
  5. Behavioral Standards
    • One workstation per team member. This differs from the onsite competition with a limitation of one workstation per team.
    • Teams may build up a library of routines and code prior to the contest. This differs from the onsite competition where every teams starts with an empty home directory.
    • During the competition, teams may communicate about the contest only with their team members and contest officials. Teams may NOT communicate about the contest with coaches, contestants on other teams, family members, etc.
    • Teams are permitted to use electronic and/or physical (e.g. book) resources available to them during the competition. This includes online resources available to the general public.
    • Teams may NOT use fee-, institution specific-, or restricted subscription-based resources, such as restricted access journals, upgraded websites requiring payments, etc.

Execution of the Contest

  1. C, C++, Java, and Python 3 will be the contest languages. Other languages may be added for future contests if the languages are supported at the World Finals and there is sufficient demand.
  2. The execution time limits set for each problem will NOT be scaled based upon the language. It is the contestants' responsibility to select the appropriate tool (language and algorithm) to produce correct output within the allotted time limits.
  3. Submitted source files must be no larger than 300000 bytes.
  4. Notification of both accepted and rejected runs will continue through the end of the contest.
  5. Scores will continue to be updated until the final 15 minutes of the contest.
  6. All teams who solve at least one problem will be ranked. Ranking will be determined:
    • first by number of problems solved;
    • second by total elapsed time to each solution (measured to the second) plus a 1200-second (20-minute) penalty per rejected submission for problems that are eventually solved;
    • third by fewest number of rejected submissions for problems that are eventually solved.