2023 Computing and Judging Environment

Each team member should choose one and only one at-home (or what you consider home for this contest) computer for problem set development and submission. Contestants can use native software development tools, and/or the virtual appliance. The computer hosting the virtual appliance is considered the same workstation as the appliance.

Each team will be assigned a common DOMJudge username and password. Each member of the team will use a web browser to connect to the DOMJudge contest environment.

Each team member will be assigned a unique Zoom username for

Team Zoom usernames will have common numeric elements with the DOMJudge usernames, and will share the same password. Do NOT share your passwords outside your team!

Please download and read the Team Manual for information on how to use the DOMJudge interface.

If you have any questions about the Contest Environment, send them to <systems@socalcontest.org> .

For more information regarding UNIX or the editors that will be available, see our Guide to UNIX and Editors.

Judge Execution Platform

Problem subissions will be compiled and executed in the following environment.

Programming Languages

The judges accept problem submissions only in the following programming languages.

C gcc 10.2.1
C++ g++ 10.2.1
Java openjdk 11.0.10 with the standard OpenJDK library
Python Python 3, version 3.9.1, standard release, no external libraries

The execution time limits set for each problem will NOT be scaled based on the language. It is the contestants' responsibility to select the appropriate tool (language and algorithm) to produce correct output within the allotted time limits.


Programs will be compiled and linked using the Standard C++ Library included by default with g++.


Regional judges will accept solutions coded in Python 3.



After you have submitted a source file for judging, your submission will be run with one or several sets of input data and the results reviewed. It is the judges' intent never to reveal directly or indirectly the specific input data the judges use to test contestant programs. The judges will respond to your submission with one of the following messages. If a submission contains more than one type of error, the response will still contain only one message. The judges will report only the first error seen, which may not necessarily be the error that occurs first or most frequently in the output.

Although we do use robo-judge where possible, we verify every response before returning it to the team to ensure accurate, quality responses. The effect of this is that, depending on solution traffic and other factors, it may take longer to respond.